BWSC客户请注意. Beginning Tuesday March 7th renovations will commence on the front entrance of 980 Harrison Ave. Therefore, there will be no accessibility to the building via the double doors until further notice. A temporary side entrance in order to conduct business will be made available. The temporary entrance is in compliance with ADA regulations and our security team will be stationed there to provide assistance as needed.
BWSC Offers Flexibility to Customers Experiencing Financial Difficulties
The COVID-19 crisis reminded us that people may run into financial difficulties unexpectedly. The Commission remains ready to work together with such customers in agreeing to manageable payment arrangements to assure there is no interruption in service. Customers requiring payment assistance should call the Commission’s Collections Department at (617) 989-7070.
你怎么付账? 如果你认为你的账单是错的,你会怎么做? 这些答案和更多的答案在下面.
如需查询结余或电话付款,请致电 844-470-5881.
9月1日生效, 2023, customers who pay their water and sewer bills using a credit of debit card (Visa, 万事达卡, 和发现)将收取4美元的便利费.每增加650美元,第三方支付处理商支付25美元.00. This fee has been reduced by the vendor who receives the funds directly to cover processing costs. 这一费用在任何时候都不会进入委员会的记录. BWSC继续提供没有便利费用的支付选项. 顾客可以用现金支付, 电子支票, 或邮寄支票,不收取便利费.
Visit the 我的账户 page to make electronic payments using your checking/money market account, 借记卡或信用卡. BWSC接受 万事达卡, 签证, 发现.
BWSC offices at 哈里森大道980号 will be open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. 至下午5时.m.
如果你的账单上有信用卡的话, 你可以把这笔钱用于未来的账单, transferred to another account or you may request a refund if all of your accounts are current.
请与客户服务部门联系 617-989-7800.
如果因为任何原因你认为你的账单是错的, you must notify BWSC within 30 days of the billing date for which the dispute is claimed. 联络客户服务: 617-989-7800 and identify the amount and the reason you believe there is an error.
有关上诉程序的更多信息, 咨询BWSC计费, 终止和上诉条例(BT&A).
A delinquency charge will be added to any amount not paid within 31 days after the billing date shown on the front of your water and sewer bill. 拖欠费用按日计算 .03836%,即年利率为14%. BWSC has the authority to foreclose on your property if it remains delinquent between one and two years.
Once a formal demand is made, BWSC will charge 16% interest in lieu of the 14% delinquency charge. BWSC will take the property for past-due charges in the same manner that the City of Boston takes properties for past-due taxes. 与城市相似, BWSC will proceed to foreclosure on properties which remain delinquent six months after the taking.
If you are incurring delinquency charges, please call BWSC’s 客户服务 617-989-7800 寻求可能的帮助.
In order to restore water service or understand why your water service has been terminated, 请访问服务终止和恢复页面.
上了年纪的 & 残疾的折扣
65岁及以上的房主, or fully disabled who live in a 1-4 family residential dwelling are eligible for a 30% discount on their monthly water and sewer charges.
业主自住的住宅物业有资格享受折扣. Properties held in trust are eligible for the discount providing that the applicant is both a trustee and a beneficiary of the trust and submits a copy of the written trust instrument that has been recorded at the Registry of Deeds. Properties that are ineligible for the discount include commercial properties and condo units.
To apply for a discount on your water portion charges fill out the Discount Form, 的PDF格式下载,或到本会办事处索取.
首页owners requesting an elderly discount must provide proof of age such as a birth certificate, 驾照或MBTA老年人通行证. Disabled persons must provide a doctor’s note or an Award Letter from Social Security or the Veterans’ Administration.
The completed form and documentation can be mailed, faxed, or submitted to BWSC offices at:
传真: 617-989-7710
如欲了解更多信息,请致电客户服务部 617-989-7800.
表格可按以上按钮下载. Then, completed forms and documentations can be mailed, faxed, or submitted to BWSC offices at:
The form can also be completed, securely, online by clicking button BELOW. DocuSign是允许获得合法签名的工具, for personally protected information to be safely and securely submitted online.
如果你需要更多的时间来支付账单,请拨打催收电话 617-989-7070.
服务权 & 计费援助
What are your rights to service during a serious illness, as a senior citizen, or tenant? 如果你付不起账单怎么办?
An owner-occupied property may be eligible to delay termination of water service if the property owner or a direct family member is seriously ill and the illness causes a documented financial hardship. 类似的, homes occupied entirely by individuals over the age of 65 may delay termination of water service if a documented financial hardship exists.
In order to document financial hardship, please contact Collections at 617-989-7070 或者见下文.
在第一次致电收款后的七天内 617-989-7070 以下资料必须送交BWSC:
- 填妥的经济困难证明表格
- 医生开具的解释病情的文件
The Certificate of 经济困难表格 is available at BWSC offices or by downloading the form below. The completed form and documentation must be submitted to BWSC offices at:
表格可按以上按钮下载. Then, completed forms and documentations can be mailed, faxed, or submitted to BWSC offices at:
The form can also be completed, securely, online by clicking button BELOW. DocuSign是允许获得合法签名的工具, for personally protected information to be safely and securely submitted online.
医疗状况必须每月再次确认, 如果确定是慢性疾病,则每季度一次. A Certificate of 经济困难表格 must accompany each renewal.
When BWSC receives documentation that a residential property is occupied entirely by individuals 65 and older, 居民必须填写一份经济困难证明.
The Certificate of 经济困难表格 is available at BWSC offices or by downloading the form below. The completed form and documentation must be submitted to BWSC offices at:
表格可按以上按钮下载. Then, completed forms and documentations can be mailed, faxed, or submitted to BWSC offices at:
The form can also be completed, securely, online by clicking button BELOW. DocuSign是允许获得合法签名的工具, for personally protected information to be safely and securely submitted online.
Renewal of the Financial Hardship Certificate for purposes of sustaining service to properties occupied by senior citizens must be made monthly.
有关此流程的更多信息,请联系收款组 617-989-7070.
租客不对房东的未偿余额负责. 如果房东的账单逾期未付, 居住证明, 比如水电费账单或驾照, a single tenant or group of tenants may pay a 30-day projected bill for the building to avoid termination of water service. 这笔钱可以从付给房东的租金中扣除.
请致电催收 617-989-7070.